Frequently Asked Questions

Engineering Enthusiast offer STEM professionals a unique experience that helps them succeed in the job market. Unlike other CV writing agencies, we are knowledgeable in STEM related fields and can handle the most specialist technical Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical backgrounds.

Once you have placed your order, you will be directed to a page where you can provide specific information we will use to complete your order. We will then proceed to create your order in the specified time and you will receive it via email.

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System. It is a type of software used by recruiters and employers during the hiring process to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for their open positions. Yes, you certainly need a resume that is ATS compliant and we provide them.

All STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) related sectors.

Yes 100%, your personal information will be safe. Any information shared between us will remain secure and will never be shared.

Yes, we regularly work with young professionals. We can make you a resume and cover letter that looks great amongst your peers. We also offer Assessment Centre coaching for undergraduates and graduates.

Our services range from 1-3 days to be delivered however we also offer 24-hour express deliveries for specific services at an extra cost.

It will be delivered in an editable Microsoft Word Document and a PDF version too.

We offer a refund if we haven’t yet begun working on your order.

We are confident you will be satisfied with the product or service you receive. In the unlikely event you are dissatisfied, you just need to let us know within 3 days of receiving your completed order and we’ll work with you diligently until you’re happy with our service.