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How to Pick Which University to Study at?

With so many universities and university degrees to choose from, deciding which university to pick can be a long process. If you have your heart set on some type of engineering degree or applied science degree, Here at Engineering Enthusiast we can help you narrow down your options so you can find the best university for your chosen engineering degree. The principles below can be applied to looking for any sort of university to study at, no matter what degree you want to obtain.

We have come up with a series of factors that you should consider before choosing which university to study at:

University Location

This is undoubtedly a key factor that should influence your choice of university once you already know the engineering degree you want to study. This really depends on your personality, you may prefer a university in a major city, or you may prefer a university close to home, it should be based on your own personal preference. Just make sure you think about this honestly because it’s a big decision.

Entry Requirements

This is very straight forward. Once you have decided the course and the location of the university you would like to study at you need to look at your grades (or predicted grades) and find the university that will accept you.

What is the Nature of the University Course?

You can narrow down the universities you have chosen further by looking at details of the courses at each university. You need to look at how the course is taught and if it suits you; some courses may be more practical than others and some may teach certain modules in a different way too. Pick the university that teaches your chosen engineering course in the way you prefer.

What is the Course Satisfaction?

As part of you research it is also good to do some research into past university students and their satisfaction with the course. You wouldn’t want to come across any unforeseen circumstances when you start your university course. There are many surveys that are done annually to assess whether universities do their job correctly. Research this online and maybe even speak to past students that have already graduated from the university and university course you want to study.

How Reputable is the University and its Course?

This last factor is not as important as it may have been historically, but it could still play in your decision. We recommend that you make sure the university course you pick is from provides an accredited degree. However, if reputation plays a big role for you, you can target the universities at the top of the league tables. Just be aware, the better the university’s reputation, the greater the entry requirements